2017 ITSPA Awards Winners Announced

The winners of the 9th annual ITSPA Awards, sponsored by Magrathea, have been announced today. The Awards, which celebrate innovation and best practice across the next generations industry, were held at the Tower of London. The awards were presented across nine categories, reflecting the range and scope of the VoIP and Unified Communications industry, and […]

Four companies awarded ITSPA Quality Mark

Four further ITSPA member companies have been awarded the new ITSPA Quality Mark. The new version of the Quality Mark was launched in 2016 and was originally awarded to five companies, bringing the total number of Quality Mark holders to nine. The Quality Mark is awarded to companies that go above and beyond current best […]

ITSPA applauds NICC paper on SIP ALG

ITSPA, the trade body for the next generation communications industry has welcomed the release of guidance produced by NICC for the use and secure implementation of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) ALG (Application Layer Gateways). SIP ALG is a feature often enabled in routers to prevent some of the problems that can be caused by Network […]

ITSPA Welcomes Legal Separation of Openreach

ITSPA, the trade body for the next generation communications industry in the UK, have welcomed today’s agreement between BT and Ofcom, surrounding the proposed legal separation of Openreach. Reacting to the news, Eli Katz, Chair of ITSPA stated “Our members are pleased that Ofcom and BT have reached agreement on this issue. This is the […]

ITSPA Frustrated by Ofcom Inertia on Business Switching

ITSPA, the trade body for the next generation communications industry in the UK, voiced its frustration today regarding Ofcom’s failure to act in the area of fixed line business switching. Yesterday it was announced that the system of number portability, which enables subscribers to change provider whilst keeping their existing telephone number will not undergo […]

ITSPA Abuse of Copyright and Trademarked Material Guidance Launched

Following a number of instances of ITSPA members contacting the secretariat regarding cases where their own copyrighted content and trademarks had been stolen, ITSPA is pleased to today launch our ‘Abuse of Copyright and Trademarked Material Guidance’. The Guidance has been produced with the assistance of Osborne Clarke LLP, an international legal practice who are […]

ITSPA Welcomes Openreach Separation

ITSPA, the trade body for the next generation communications industry in the UK, voiced its satisfaction today surrounding Ofcom’s announcement that it is proceeding with the legal separation of Openreach from BT. However, it did stress that full structural separation should remain as a potential option, should the necessary performance improvements within Openreach not materialise. […]

ITSPA launches IP PBX Security Guide

ITSPA, the voice of the next generation communications industry in the UK, today launched its latest best practice guide on security recommendations when setting up an IP PBX. The document, ‘Recommendations for secure deployment of an IP-PBX’ outlines configuration measures that should be implemented on an IP-PBX installed in customer’s premises as well as the […]