Working Groups

Current Comms Council UK Working Groups

Working Group: Industry Developments

This working group focusses on the regulatory and policy programme that has a direct effect on Comms Council UK members. Comms Council UK helps represent the views of the industry to Ofcom, Government departments and industry forums. The members collaborate on consultation responses, actively lobby officials and parliamentarians as well as provide guidance to the wider membership on the implications to the industry. The group is made up of a mixture of regulatory, legal and director level figures within the Comms Council UK membership. There is an email distribution list that members are welcome to join.


Group Chair = Lee Turner (Gamma)

Key Issues at present

  • Fraud & scams (see dedicated sub-group)
  • Nuisance calls prevention
  • Number portability and Switching
  • Wholesale Fixed Voice Market Review
  • IP migration

To participate in these calls, please contact the Comms Council UK team here.

Working Group: Operations

This working group focusses on initiatives to help keep the industry up to date and in line with best practice standards. The group collaborates on solving industry problems and developing briefing guidance to keep the membership one step ahead. The group also deals with technical issues such as communications data retention, emergency location issues and consultations around new industry standards. The group is made up of directors as well technical and operation managers amongst the Comms Council UK membership. There is an email distribution list that members are welcome to join.


Group Chair = David Cargill (Vonage)

Key Issues at present

  • Telephony Fraud, Security & Cyber Crime
  • Emergency Location Standards
  • Network Resilience Standards
  • Data Retention Legislation

To participate in these calls, please contact the Comms Council UK team here.

Working Group: Women in Telecoms

This group has been created to meet a growing demand from our members to give women working within our industry a regular opportunity to network, share career experiences, discuss hot topics and exchange ideas. Outputs will feed into other groups as appropriate.

We hope this working group will provide a tangible way for our members to demonstrate commitment to women’s development. By encouraging women on your team to join ‘Women In Telecoms’, you can actively support them with their career goals as well as giving them a voice on the key issues impacting our industry.


Group Co-Chairs = Natalie Strange (RPS Telecoms) and Lauren Croxson (Sangoma)

Key Issues at present

  • Sharing career experience
  • Exchanging ideas
  • Hot topics for women in the industry

You can join our LinkedIn Group here and mailing list and Whatsapp group by emailing

Working Group: Fraud & Scams

This working group focusses on tackling fraud and scams our members are tackling. We believe more can be done across the sector which can be siloed in its approach at times. With a renewed interest from policymakers within Government over the past 18 months, there is real opportunity to make further progress. CCUK has been at the forefront of those conversations, championing the need for a more joined-up approach to strengthen ongoing efforts. This group will lead on these discussions.


Group Chair = Alex Jennings (Smartnumbers)

DSIT publishes Telecare Action Plan

14th February 2025
Earlier this week, DSIT published aTelecare Action Plan, setting out the actions stakeholders are expected to take to protect telecare users during the digital…

2025 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The awards entries open in January and winners will be announced at the ceremony on 25th September at 116 Pall Mall.