Our innaugural CCUK Fraud Summit will bring together representatives from sectors such as telecoms and banking, as well as regulators, law enforcement bodies, and civil servants to share insights on how to tackle fraud effectively. The keynote speaker at the event will be Rt Hon Lord Hanson of Flint, Minister of State at the Home Office. Throughout the day, representatives from Ofcom, National Crime Agency, Home Office, Trading Standards, PXC, Gamma, Resilient, XConnect, Virgin Media and more will be joining our sessions and panels.
The Summit theme is “Joining the dots on information sharing for the UK communications ecosystem” and will be exploring the importance of effective sharing of data and information amongst all stakeholders. The day will feature panels and expert presentations, as well as opportunities for networking.
The agenda:
9:15am Arrival and Coffee
9:50am Opening keynote by Lord Hanson
10:00am The scale of fraud: How do criminals exploit telco networks to commit fraud and the impacts
This panel will demonstrate the scale and impact of fraud. It will highlight how and where telcos fit in the pipeline and what the challenges are for the industry. Audiences will also hear about the importance, as well as the barriers, to data sharing amongst stakeholders in the prevention of fraud.
Host: Adrian Moss
Helen Fairfax-Wall, Stop Scams UK
Lee Turner, Gamma
Martin Simmonds, PXC
More TBC
11:00am Information sharing in action: A case study
Hear from the National Crime Agency as they present a real life case study of how information sharing was critical to capturing criminals. Followed by a discussion with the Information Commissioner’s office.
Host: Paul Morris, Vonage
Ricky Hutchings, National Crime Agency
Catherine Stankey, ICO
12:00pm Lunch and network
1:30pm Fighting fraud: Approaches to tackling fraud
In this session, speakers across telecoms, banking and other bodies will present each for 10 minutes on the initiatives and actions they are taking in their respective sectors in the fight against fraud.
Host: Gita Sorensen, GOS Consulting
Eli Katz, XConnect
Tim Burton, Resilient/Smartnumbers
Richard Clarke, Trading Standards
More TBC
2:40pm Joining the Dots: Identifying a way forward together
This panel session will summarise the learning of the day, discuss how all affected sectors can work together, and identify next steps.
Host: David Williams, Gamma
Marina Gibbs, Ofcom
Murray MacKenzie, Virgin Media O2
Rod Lowson, Home Office
More TBC
3:40pm Networking drinks reception
4:30pm Close
We hope that this event will be a springboard to our work in Fraud and many more events and initiatives will follow.
Comms Council UK are a UK, membership-led organisation that represents companies who provide or resell business and residential customers voice services over data networks (VoIP) as well as other “over the top” applications including instant messaging and video.