Women in Telecoms
Welcome to the group
Women in Telecoms
Welcome to the group
Women in Telecoms
Welcome to the group
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Group’s history

We launched new working group, Women in Telecoms, in September 2022 to sit alongside CCUK’s existing Industry Developments and Operations working groups.

This group has been created to meet a growing demand from our members to give women working within our industry a regular opportunity to network, share career experiences, discuss hot topics and exchange ideas. Outputs feed into other groups as appropriate.

The group was started by Katie Baron from Gamma and Tracey Wright from Magrathea. In 2024 the Group selected new Co-Chairs – Natalie Strange from RPS Telecom and Lauren Croxson from Sangoma who now lead the group.

Group’s Aim

We hope this working group provides a tangible way for our members and all telecom industry to demonstrate commitment to women’s development. By encouraging women on your team to join ‘Women In Telecoms’, you can actively support them with their career goals as well as giving them a voice on the key issues impacting our industry.

We hold regular meetings either online or in person.

In 2024, we opened the group to a wider telecoms industry so non-CCUK members can join the group and participate in all our activities.



If you would like to join the group, please Michaela@commscouncil.uk


You can sign up to our LinkedIn page here.


If you would like to join our Whatsapp group, send your phone number to Michaela.

Advice for members


We created Directory to offer help or advice for any issues that women in the industry are facing, be it promotion, maternity leave, menopause, bereavement, mental or physical health issues, as well as work related issues such as regulatory updates or technical problems. All our Directory members are also happy to offer mentorship. To acces the Directory, we regularly share password with our members but if you missed it, please contact Michaela.


Group activities

This year, we already hosted panel sessions at Channel Live, Cavell Summit, Connected North and CCUK Summer Forum events. Check out our future events to see where you can find us next.

Future events

12th September – 2.30pm – 3.10pm – Digital Britain Stage – Diversity in Digital – with Women in Telecoms Co-Chairs Natalie Strange and Lauren Croxson.

October – In person meeting – TBC

past online meetings

suggestion box

directory offer