ITSPA endorses Ofcom position on 999

ITSPA has announced its general support for Ofcom’s decision to make 999 mandatory for certain types of VoIP services. From 8th September 2008, all VoIP services that allow users to make calls to normal national phone numbers (Type 2 and Type 4 services) will have to provide a 999/112 service. ITSPA Chair Eli Katz said: […]

ITSPA applauds ERG position on VoIP

ITSPA has announced its general support for the European Regulators Group draft position paper on Voice over IP. ITSPA advocates a number of the conclusions set out in the position paper including: • All telephony service providers which break out onto the PSTN should be obliged to provide access to emergency services. • The provision […]

ITSPA responds to long-awaited VoIP statement

The UK telecoms super-regulator Ofcom has today released its long-awaited statement on the regulation of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). As the most significant regulatory development in the Internet telephony market for over two years, this statement is destined to have a major impact on the future of online communication. ITSPA (the Internet Telephony Service […]

Red Tape puts 999 Services at Risk

ITSPA has announced its general support for Ofcom’s decision to make 999 mandatory for certain types of VoIP services. From 8th September 2008, all VoIP services that allow users to make calls to normal national phone numbers (Type 2 and Type 4 services) will have to provide a 999/112 service.  ITSPA Chair Eli Katz said: […]

ITSPA: Championing Consumer and Business VoIP

After more than two months of detailed discussions amongst its membership and with Ofcom, the Internet Telephony Service Providers’ Association (ITSPA) has published a comprehensive response to Ofcom’s consultation on the Regulation of VoIP Services. The breadth and depth of the response is further evidence of ITSPA’s continued commitment to representing the VoIP industry, as […]

ITSPA cautiously optimistic about Ofcom’s VoIP approach

ITSPA, the UK’s Internet Telephony Services Providers Association, welcomes Ofcom’s continued positive commitment to the development of VoIP, as set out in the consultation on the Regulation of VoIP. However, concerns remain that excessive regulation could stifle the sector and ultimately limit consumers’ power of choice. After many months of discussion with Ofcom, ITSPA is […]

“It’s a fair CoP”, says ITSPA

With more and more VoIP services launching every week, how do UK consumers know which services to trust? Is there someone they can complain to if they are not happy? Can they make 999 calls from their VoIP phone? To help improve consumer information and awareness and to give consumers confidence that they are getting […]

Industry unites around new VoIP trade body

ITSPA, the Internet Telephony Services Providers’ Association, elected its Council at its inaugural members’ meeting on 20th January. Drawing together experts from UK-based companies large and small, ITSPA aims to ensure that consumers can benefit from VoIP services by promoting best practice – one of ITSPA’s first tasks is to ensure consumers’ rights are protected […]

Internet Telephony Industry has its own representative body

A group of 13 UK companies, ranging in size from established Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and existing telecoms companies to new market entrants, today announced the launch of the Internet Telephony Service Providers Association or ITSPA. Internet Telephony is the ability to make voice calls over any Internet connection, particularly broadband, using Voice over Internet […]