Policy Papers


Outlined below are all Comms Council UK’s responses to policy and regulatory consultations as well as other relevant briefings or best practice guidance. For information, most documents produced before March 2021 refer to ITSPA, the name of Comms Council UK before the decision was taken to rebrand the association. 

October 2023 -Home Affairs Select Committee – Fraud Inquiry Evidence 

August 2023 – Extending the growth duty to Ofgem, Ofwat and Ofcom

June 2022 – Letter to DCMS on the draft Telcoms Security Code of Conduct

May 2022 – Response to DCMS Consultation on New Telecoms Security Regulations and Code of Practice

November 2021 – Response to DCMS’ consultation ‘Data: a new direction’

June 2021 – Implementing the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) – Briefing Paper

June 2021 – TSR Briefing v1.1

February 2021 – Submission on The Electronic Communications (Security Measures) Regulations 2021

February 2021 – Response to the Interim Gigabit Take-up Report

December 2020 – GigaTAG Call for Evidence Response

August 2020 – Response to Consultation: Emerging technologies and their potential impact on the communications industry

October 2019 – Response to DCMS Consultation on Reforming Consumer Advocacy in Telecoms

August 2019 – Response to DCMS Consultation on Implementing the European Electronic Communications Code

February 2018 – Response to DCMS consultation on Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review

July 2015 – Response to DfT consultation on improving mobile communications to UK rail passengers

December 2014 – Response to DCMS consultation on Nuisance calls

November 2014 – Response to the DCMS consultation ‘Tackling partial Not-Spots in Mobile Phone Coverage’

June 2007 – Home Office: The initial transposition of the European Directive (2006/24/EC) on the retention of communications data

November 2004 – BIS: ENUM Consultation on the Proposed Arrangements in the UK

March 2024 – Tackling scam calls – expecting providers to block more calls with spoofed numbers

January 2024 – Call for inputs – Review of ADR in telecoms sector 

April 2023 Ofcom Consultation: CLI Authentication – CCUK Response

May 2023 Security Duties Consultation – CCUK Response

January 2022 –Response to Ofcom’s review of the telephony universal service obligation

February 2021 – Response to the Ofcom Annual Plan

November 2020 – Response to consultation on Copper retirement – conditions under which copper regulation could be completely withdrawn in ultrafast exchanges

October 2020 – Response to the Wholesale Voice Markets Review 2021-2026

September 2020 – Response further consultation: Implementing the new European Electronic Communications Code

August 2020 – Response to Consultation on Emerging technologies and their potential impact on the communications industry

July 2020 – Response to Consultation on Copper retirement – process for determining when copper regulation can be removed

May 2020 – Response to Ofcom consultation on Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review 2021-26

March 2020 – Response to Ofcom consultation on proposals to implement the new European Electronic Communications Code

February 2020 – Response to Ofcom consultation on proposed plan of work 2020/21

December 2019 – Response to Ofcom consultation on CLI guidelines

June 2019 – Response to Ofcom consultation on Promoting Trust in Telephone Numbers

June 2019 – Response to Ofcom consultation on the future of telephone numbers

June 2019 – Response to Ofcom consultation on future of interconnection and call termination 

February 2019 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on end-of contract and annual best tariff notifications

February 2019 – Response to Ofcom Physical Infrastructure Market Review

October 2018 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on end-of-contract and out-of-contract notifications

July 2018 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on Proposals for Guidance on General Condition A3.2(b)

February 2018 – Response to Ofcom consultation on Proposed Annual Plan 2018/19

June 2017 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on Automatic Compensation

April 2017 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on Delivering a more independent Openreach

March 2017 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on the Review of the General Conditions of Entitlement

February 2017 – Response to Ofcom Spectrum Consultation

December 2016 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on ‘Promoting efficient use of geographic telephone numbers’

October 2016 – Response to Ofcom Cross-Platform Switching Consultation

October 2016 – Response to Ofcom Consultation on the General Conditions relating to network functioning, public payphones, directory information and numbering

July 2016 – Response to Ofcom Call for Inputs on Automatic Compensation

February 2016 – Response to Ofcom Annual Plan

October 2015 – ITSPA Response to Ofcom’s Strategic Review of Digital Communications Discussion Document

November 2014 – ITSPA Response to Ofcom’s ‘Review of how we use our persistent misuse powers – Focus on silent and abandoned calls’ Consultation

September 2014 – Response to Ofcom’s consultation surrounding the 03 Number Range – revenue sharing

May 2014 – Response to Ofcom’s consultation surrounding porting charges under General Condition 18

July 2013 – Response to Accreditation Scheme for Price Calculators: A review of the Scheme consultation

April 2013 – Review of the fixed narrowband services market

November 2012 – Narrowband Market Review – Consultation on possible approaches to cost modelling for the NCC period 2013-2016

July 2012 – Response to further consultation on the Simplifying of Non-geographic Telephone Numbers

June 2012 – Response to the call for Inputs on the Fixed Narrowband Market Review and Network Charge Control

February 2012 – Response to Ofcom’s Draft Annual Plan

November 2011 -Statement and further consultation on geographic telephone numbers

April 2011 – Changes to General Conditions and Universal Service Conditions

March 2011 – Simplifying Non-Geographic Telephone Numbers

February 2011 – Geographic Telephone Numbers

November 2010 – Strategic Review of Consumer Switching

November 2010 – Fair and reasonable charges for fixed geographic call termination

September 2010 – Traffic management and “Network Neutrality”

September 2009 – Next Generation Networks: Responding to recent developments to protect consumers, promote effective competition and secure efficient investment

June 2008 – Initial assessments of when to adopt self-or co-regulation

September 2007 – Access to the Emergency Services

September 2007 – Arrangements for Porting Numbers when customers switch suppliers

January 2007 – Number Portability

August 2006 – End-to-end Connectivity

May 2006 – Telephone Numbering – Safeguarding the future of numbers

May 2006 – Regulation of VoIP Services

April 2006 – Ofcom’s Consumer Policy

February 2006 – Ofcom Draft Annual Plan 2006-2007

December 2005 – Number Portability and Technology Neutrality

August 2005 – Next Generation Networks: Further Consultation

August 2005 – Consultation on BT’s Undertakings in lieu of an Enterprise Act reference
(Strategic Review of Telecommunications: phase 3)

June 2005 – Draft Determination to resolve a dispute between BT and Vodafone about geographic number portability

March 2005 – Review of Universal Services

March 2005 – Conserving Geographic Numbers

February 2005 – Valuing BT’s Copper Access Network

February 2005 – Strategic Review of Telecommunications (Phase 2)

January 2005 – Next Generation Networks: Future arrangements for access & interconnection

November 2004 – Consultation on New Voice Services

November 2004 – An Assessment of Alternative Solutions for UK Number Portability

May 2004 – Numbering Arrangements for Voice over Broadband Services (second response)

March 2004 – Numbering Arrangements for Voice over Broadband Services

The 2024 Comms Council UK Awards Finalists Announced!

10th July 2024
Comms Council UK today announced the finalists of the 16th annual Awards. Each year, the Awards acknowledge accomplishments within the Unified Communications and VoIP…

2022 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The winners will be announced at Sea Containers in London on 28th September.

Book your tickets here.