Associate Membership is open to any organisation related to the VoIP and next generation communications sector (hardware and software vendors, distributors, law firms, consultancies, recruitment firms, etc). Although Associate Members may fully participate in all working groups and forums, they cannot vote on policy or be a Council Member.
On top or some of the benefits that Full Members receive, those companies who join as Associate Members will also enjoy additional benefits
- Display products and services, participate on panels and promote services at designated events
- Participate in relevant working groups to help resolve problems (be they regulatory or technical), contribute to work streams and build credibility amongst the service provider community
- Opportunities to highlight new products and services via the fortnightly Comms Council UK update to build brand awareness amongst the membership
- Regular networking opportunities at events, which offer potential business opportunities and the ability to be introduced to specific companies
- Discounts surrounding Comms Council UK sponsorship opportunities