26th October 2016

Regulatory Checklist and Operations Starter Pack Launched!

ITSPA is pleased to launch two new documents exclusively for members!

The Regulatory Checklist, produced by the Industry Developments Group provides a non-exhaustive guide to telecommunications specific regulations that ITSPA members need to comply with and also an introduction to other key regulatory areas, that members should be aware of. ITSPA should highlight that there are other areas of regulation that members should comply with and in all cases member companies  should consult with their own independent legal counsel.

The Operations Starter Pack, produced by the Operations Group is an information pack that serves as a reminder and guide to help members ensure their companies are complying with industry best practice. The pack details a number of best practice papers, collaborative tools and other initiatives that have been put together by the Operations Group.

New members joining ITSPA will be sent both packs upon their registration and both documents will also be updated regularly and recirculated to members to ensure that members are kept up to speed with any changes to regulatory requirements and other developments.

Both guides can be found in the Members Area of the website.

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