22nd November 2024

PSTN news update

The Government has recently published a number of updates around the PSTN migration - please see below for an overview of what has been published.

Guidance: Public Switched Telephone Market (PSTN) Migration
These announcements follow on from the original Public Switched Telephone Network Charter, published in December last year (2023), and the Network Operator charter (March 2024) which set out the initial voluntary agreement for "protecting vulnerable people" during the PSTN migration.

Importantly, this includes new guidance on an expanded definition of "vulnerable" customers (in the context of the migration) which goes beyond Ofcom's definition and includes those who may not consider themselves vulnerable or may not self-identify, but are still customers in need of a "supported journey".

The guidance is supplemented by a "checklist" for providers migrating customers who do not consent to the change, to ensure the duty of care is upheld, as well as new guidance for local authorities, who are strongly encouraged to engage fully with the process.

The guidance lays out the different factors which may lead to a customer requiring a supported journey — intrinsic, temporary, or circumstantial — and the measures which providers should take to mitigate the risk of harm, including support in installing upgraded devices, and ensuring continued access to services in the event of a power cut, such as battery back-up.

Notably, signatories commit to "maximise resilience" and "go beyond" Ofcom's minimum 1h battery back-up requirement. No further detail on the recommended length of time is given.

The documents have been developed with input from government, Ofcom, industry, and charities. Providers are still expected to comply with Ofcom’s General Conditions of Entitlement and Ofcom’s guide for providers, which are designed to ensure that providers have "adequate processes" to identify customers in need of additional support as part of the migration. Telecare providers are also expected to take action to safeguard users; these actions will be outlined in the first Telecare National Action Plan, expected before the end of the year.

Further, the Government has also published a new Critical National Infrastructure Charter, which outlines specific commitments to support CNI customers or circuits through the transition.

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