ITSPA, the UK’s voice for the VoIP and next generation communications industry, reacted to the announcement that David Cameron’s new Government would press ahead with proposals to increase the ability of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to access online communications. The announcement of the proposed Investigatory Powers Bill within the Queen’s Speech today, follows on from previous attempts to pass similar legislation, both by the Coalition Government of 2010-15 and by the Labour administration under Gordon Brown.
ITSPA Chair, Eli Katz stated “ITSPA recognises the importance of the proposed Investigatory Powers Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech today. Law enforcement organisations must have access to the communications data they need to tackle serious crime and there is a recognition that this capability must keep up with the type of communications services that are used by the criminal world in order to help safeguard the general public. ITSPA did have some reservations around the previous attempts to implement this legislation, principally around privacy concerns for the customers of our members as well as the potential operational implications that had not been considered. There was also concern around the way in which the consultation process had taken place with industry. ITSPA has developed a good working relationship in recent years with the Home Office and will work constructively with officials surrounding the proposals within the Bill to ensure there is an appropriate balance between privacy and security as well as to ensure the Government understand the technical feasibility of the proposals and the costs required to support the industry in future implementation. It is important this Bill has full and proper period of scrutiny to ensure all previous concerns are resolved.”
The proposals will announced in the coming weeks and ITSPA will be working together with the Home Office and keeping members up to date with the proposals.
The full press release can be found here.