25th February 2019

ITSPA Launches Guidance on Uninterrupted Access to Emergency Services for Vulnerable Persons

ITSPA has today launched a new guidance document on uninterrupted access to emergency services for vulnerable persons.

ITSPA’s development of this document followed the publication of guidance by Ofcom on the interpretation of the obligation on providers for uninterrupted access to the emergency services in the event of a power cut and specifically in the context of vulnerable customers.

Given that Ofcom’s guidance is not definitive, each and every customer needs to be assessed for their vulnerability and then their need for a remedy based on their own individual circumstances. ITSPA has therefore developed guidance which provides an outline of a process to catch the majority of persons in scope of the regulation. ITSPA is also working to produce a separate guidance document which will provide details on the nature and design of the required remedy.

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