17th March 2004

Internet Telephony Industry has its own representative body

A group of 13 UK companies, ranging in size from established Internet Service

Providers (ISPs) and existing telecoms companies to new market entrants, today

announced the launch of the Internet Telephony Service Providers Association or


Internet Telephony is the ability to make voice calls over any Internet connection,

particularly broadband, using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Internet

Telephony Service Providers can provide regular and enhanced phone line

services, at reduced cost, with calls to other Internet phones often free of charge.

Although Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has existed as a technology for

much of the last 10 years, the mass market for broadband connections and the

emergence of new telephony-enabling protocols such as SIP (Session Initiation

Protocol), have revolutionised the sector. Microsoft, Cisco and many leading

technology companies have now built SIP into their latest products. Indeed, any

Windows XP computer can place Internet Telephony calls ’out of the box’.

There are already more than 6 million people worldwide benefiting from making

voice calls over their Internet connection, primarily in Japan and the USA. The

UK market is now poised to similarly take off.

There is a rapidly expanding community of Internet Telephony Service

Providers (or ITSP’s) in the UK who already offer consumers and

businesses the ability to make calls over the Internet. Given the many

regulatory issues involved, these companies have realized that there is an

urgent need for a trade association to help promote and represent the

interests of the industry.

The ITSPA has therefore been set up to act as the representative voice of

the industry to UK Government bodies such as the DTI, The Home Office

and Ofcom, as well as to the European Commission and other regulators.

The association will also encourage the innovation and development of the

Internet Telephony industry through the promotion of self-regulation and


"Internet Telephony providers now offer a serious alternative to the existing

telephone companies, and we need to look at the levels of regulation and

encouragement that this industry needs." explains Kim Thesiger, spokesman for

the ITSPA. "This technology will revolutionise the way in which consumers and

businesses make voice calls over the next few years ushering in far cheaper

prices for phone calls and offering a wealth of new products and services that

were only available to the biggest corporations until now."

Eli Katz, a co-founder of ITSPA, comments, "Internet Telephony is the next

generation of Multi-Media and Telephony Services. The speed, flexibility and rich

capabilities of the Internet, married with the global pervasiveness of the phone

network, will transform the way we communicate. New Features such as

international roaming of your own phone number, CD audio quality, integrated

video calls and the holy grail of mobile and home/office phone convergence will

become commonplace."

The UK Government is keen to encourage innovation, investment and

competition in the electronic communications market and given the significant

importance of Internet Telephony, and its impact on the UK Telecoms landscape,

the ITSPA looks forward to working closely with Ofcom and other regulators to

ensure that the correct balance is achieved between encouraging this new sector

whilst making sure consumers are properly protected.

Founding ITSPA members are:

Call UK http://www.calluk.com/

ET Phones http://www.etphones.net/

Gossiptel http://www.gossiptel.com/

Gradwell dot com http://www.gradwell.com/

Idesk http://www.idesk.com/

Imass Telecom http://www.imasstelecom.com/

Intervivo http://www.intervivo.net/

Magrathea http://www.magrathea-telecom.co.uk/

Mistral Internet http://www.mistral.net/

Speak2World http://www.speak2world.com/

Telappliant http://www.telappliant.com/

Telco Global http://www.telcoglobal.com/

T-Strategy http://www.t-strategy.com

The full press release is here

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