19th July 2024

Government Resilience Website – Phone and Broadband Outages

As part of the Government's Prepare site, which provides information to help individuals prepare for emergencies and be more informed about hazards, a webpage on phone and broadband outages has been launched.

The page outlines who is most at risk of being impacted by phone and broadband outages, such as people who live alone, who rely on personal alarms, or who are reliant on their landline to make phone calls. It also summarises actions to take before and during phone and broadband outages, which include:

Contacting your landline provider to understand if your phone will work during a phone outage caused by a powercut.
Speaking to your device provider or manufacturer to understand how your personal alarm will function in the event that mobile or broadband connection is lost.

More information can be found here.


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2022 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The winners will be announced at Sea Containers in London on 28th September.

Book your tickets here.