Women in Telecoms Group 2 year anniversary celebration

When: 10 October, 2024

At 4:00 pm

Where: 8x8, London

Women in Telecoms Group will be celebrating two years' anniversary on the afternoon of 10th October at the offices of 8x8 in London.

This event will celebrate two years anniversary of our group with lots of surprises along the way, as well as drinks reception. We encourage all Women in Telecoms members to invite their mentors, sponsors or supporters. Places are limited though so if we reach 100 attendees we will run the waiting list. If you can attend, please register for your free tickets here.

The agenda on the day will include:

4.00pm - Welcome and refreshments
4.30pm - Women in Telecoms Co-Chairs speeches
4.45pm - Sponsors speeches
5.00pm - Updates from affiliate associations about their support for women in the industry
5.20pm - Rebrand reveal and new initiatives announcements
5.40pm - Networking drinks reception

To be able to make this event as best as possible, we are looking for sponsors for this event. If you would like to support the group and this event, please contact Michaela@commscouncil.uk. We are not looking to make any profit from this event so all sponsorship will be spent solely on this special celebration and in return we will promote your company on our website, social media and more!

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Book your tickets here.