Comms Council UK Teams Workshop

Please Note: This event has already taken place. Click here to see future events

15th May, 2pm-5.30pm

Regus - London, Devonshire Square
9 Devonshire Square

Over the years Microsoft have been making strides to extend their Office suite to encompass voice (OCS, Skype for Business etc). They have to some extent been regarded with a degree of suspicion by the telco community who believed they were out to eat their lunch.

With Teams and Direct Connect it would appear that Microsoft are opening up their environment to SIP trunk suppliers and have a number of certified SBC vendors that should make this easy to do.

This workshop has been put together to examine whether Microsoft should be seen as a threat or an opportunity by the ITSPA community. We had a number of stakeholders coming along to provide an informative / educational afternoon.


14:00-14:30 Coffee and Registration

14.30 - 14:45 Welcome & Opening Remarks

Trefor Davies ITSPA Council & Netaxis Solutions

14:45 - 15:15 Microsoft Strategy for Teams

Paul Buxton, Microsoft

15:15 - 15:45 The Vendor perspective (from Audiocodes, Oracle and Ribbon)

  • What do we offer to support teams
  • What makes us think it is going to be a success
  • Our experiences in the market

15:45 - 16:00 Perspective on Teams Direct Connect from an ITSP with existing sales
Wayne Mills-Kiddals, Fuse2

16:00 - 16:15 Real world issues being seen when providing VoIP connectivity into Teams
Andrew Ingram, High Tide - independant consultant

16:15 - 17:00 Panel Discussion - Microsoft Teams - Opportunity or threat
Paul Buxton (Microsoft), Dan Winfield (Voxhub), Martin Adams (Express Telephony) and Matt Townend (Cavell Group)

17:00 - End

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This event was generously supported by

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