Industry Dinner with Cavell Group

Please Note: This event has already taken place. Click here to see future events

  • Over a three-course dinner, Dom Black (Director of Research Services at Cavell Group) chaired a group discussion on tackling fraud and scams. The 30 attendees from across the CCUK membership discussed emerging trends, the latest CP requirements around the "Know your Customer" from Ofcom and how the industry could coordinate better.
  • Attendees discussed how the threats are becoming more sophisticated, how fraud risks were being seen as just part of doing business, but how Government and Ofcom were pushing to do more. There was also the debate about trying to tackle the problem whilst trying to avoid being seen as at-fault by carrying unknown – but fraudulent – traffic.
  • The current work CCUK were involved in with the Home Office was raised. In discussions with the anti-fraud champion Simon Fell MP, the Home Office appeared receptive to ideas to improve coordination between the various initiatives taking place in silos at the moment. Greater sharing of information was also needed and CCUK would be pushing on these issues in the coming months.
  • Technical solutions like a CDB were discussed. There was agreement that a single source of truth would certainly be beneficial but it would need Government to enforce any requirements to coalesce industry.
  • There was agreement that further discussions with the banking industry would also be beneficial.
  • CCUK would update members following a Home Office roundtable on fraud, and would  continue to press on the issue with both Government, other politicians and industry.
Thank you to our partners Snom and ProVu for their support.

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