11th December 2023

Fit to Switch – official launch event

We attended the official media launch event of the Fit to Switch industry campaign, where Council member Lee Turner spoke on the panel representing Comms Council UK. He spoke about the need for consistent messaging and how more needs to be done from industry to drive the benefits of the switch-off rather than the negatives, and highlight the opportunities the digital transition presents. Lee's commentary interview where he speaks in further detail about this can also be watched below.

Fit to Switch is an industry-led campaign that aims to raise awareness and educate businesses and consumers about the upcoming PSTN Switch Off, and to help drive the message to all sectors of the economy. Comms Council UK has partnered with Fit to Switch to help get the message out to the public, and we will be doing more next year in supporting our members and their customers in this initiative.

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2022 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The winners will be announced at Sea Containers in London on 28th September.

Book your tickets here.