15th December 2020

Christmas Quiz and Roundtable with Cavell Group

A roundtable discussion session was held with industry analysts Cavell Group on 15th December. The session reviewed the impact and recent industry trends during the Covid-19 pandemic and discussed how industry will have to continue to adapt to changing customer demands in 2021. 

 Following the roundtable, the annual ITSPA Christmas Quiz was held. Congratulations to the winning team who have been sent bubbly prizes in the post!  

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Ofcom published a policy statement announcing its intention to proceed with the proposal to update the CLI Guidance to extend blocking to international calls…

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Ofcom has announced plans to ban providers from including inflation-linked or percentage-based price rise terms in new contracts. In December 2023, Ofcom consulted on…

Ofcom updated CLI Guidance – Tackling scam calls

29th July 2024
Ofcom published a policy statement announcing its intention to proceed with the proposal to update the CLI Guidance to extend blocking to international calls…

2022 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The winners will be announced at Sea Containers in London on 28th September.

Book your tickets here.