Rebecca Tate, TalkTalk

Rebecca Tate

Rebecca has 17 years’ experience working within the telecommunications sector, having joined TalkTalk as an ACA qualified Finance Manager within the Networks part of the business. Subsequent roles included Voice Trading, Head of Carrier Services Voice and Commercial In-Life, spanning all products offered by TalkTalk Wholesale Services to an extensive Carrier and Partner base.

Initial work with IDA and CPS voice developed into network innovation with the rollout of LLU and Fibre; she enjoys the interest and challenge of the continually evolving landscape of the industry. Business strategy, commercial relationships and agreements, value management, and Regulatory consultations are key areas of focus.


Government Resilience Website – Phone and Broadband Outages

19th July 2024
As part of the Government’s Prepare site, which provides information to help individuals prepare for emergencies and be more informed about hazards, a webpage…

2022 Comms Council UK Awards

Comms Council UK are sponsored by Magrathea

The winners will be announced at Sea Containers in London on 28th September.

Book your tickets here.